ZERO® is inviting all safety professionals to ENTER the Paul O'Neill Challenge (June 3-SepT 15). CLick here for more info.

Paul's Challenge Winners

Oct 5, 2018

Thank you to all of those who participated in Paul's Challenge! We are thrilled at the outcome of our first ever video competition and look forward to continuing the conversation around safety on ZERO®.

Back in May, we met with our mentor Secretary Paul O’Neill who reiterated to us his philosophy that leading a successful company means having a high regard for your employees and their safety.  With Paul, alongside ASSP, we challenged you to share your safety stories, tips, and ideas with the world in the form of a short video.  Our intention was to begin an open and collaborative dialogue around safety, while proving that talking about safety can be more fun than it can sometimes seem.  We kicked things off in San Antonio, Texas with ASSP at Safety 2018 and concluded our contest this week at the ASSP Leadership Conference.  We are thrilled with the results, as we saw participation from student and senior ASSP members alike as well as a global involvement in the contest!

We would like to thank our judges Pam Walaski, Kathy Seabrook, and Michael Murray for their willingness to participate and their diligence in determining our winners.  At this time, we would like to announce our winners:

First: Keith Kluiter

Second: Maverick Meighan

Third: Matthew Brand

Thank you to all of our participants who have helped us to grow a sizable collection of valuable safety stories and information.  We now invite you to join us on ZERO®, here, where you can watch every contest submission as well as join the conversation around worker safety.

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