ZERO is inviting all safety professionals to ENTER the Paul O'Neill Challenge (June 3-SepT 15). CLick here for more info.

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Data Storytelling

Compare data and rates across your organization’s locations to easily identify top performing departments, individuals, and teams. Analyze data within the feed, forms, and reporting features and encourage a meaningful dialogue between departments through teams.

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Identify Top Performers

Instantly visualize individual, team, and department performance by tracking operational inefficiencies and safety concerns.

Track and analyze

Follow issues that are effecting safety and find out who in your team is resolving them the most.


Share the leading indicators with relevent parties to further involve and empower them in a purpose driven culture.

Leading Indicators

Proactive involvement and engagement in the safety process leads to the use of leading indicators rather than lagging past recordable injury rates.

Find solutions

Work with skilled responders to resolve issues quickly and transparently.

Knowledge Base

Activate a respository of best practices and put them in the hands of every employee.

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