ZERO is inviting all safety professionals to ENTER the Paul O'Neill Challenge (June 3-SepT 15). CLick here for more info.

Communication: Why It's So Important

Deborah A. Sweinhart
Sep 13, 2018

We all agree that communication is important, but just how critical is it to a strong organization? Discover how good communication extends to safety, culture, and productivity.

Does your company use a collaborative communication app that is designed to enhance a constructive safety culture within your organization? If not, maybe you should!  ZERO® is a great and easy way to allow your workers to collaborate, share, and show they care about each other and your company.

The best plans in the world can still fail because of communication; either a lack of it, or miscommunication when meanings are lost and what’s said is misunderstood or received incorrectly.  Communicating effectively within any company can save lives, time, and money.  


  • Needs to be given just as much time and attention as the actual plan itself
  • Has a high probability of failure, if ignored
  • If not used well, can end up contributing significantly to a dangerous workplace where accidents and illnesses occur more frequently.

In order for communication to be effective, it must involve workers! Workers are the ones who face daily hazards while working giving them a greater understanding of the existing risks on the job.  Workers also contribute significantly to improving work processes and saving dollars by sharing innovative ideas for doing a task faster and easier.

The Best Communication Tool EVER!

Management may not be aware of those hazards or great innovations; but management can help workers be proactive by providing them with a tool that is easy to use and takes no additional time to help them communicate with their peers/teams.

ZERO® is the best communication tool you can give to workers. Watch the ZERO® app demo below and see it for yourself:

Please let us know if you have any questions about using ZERO®. Do you need help getting workers set up?  Our one-on-one demos are free and we help walk you through the program.   We also help you determine how ZERO® can be used within your company.

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